Thursday, September 11, 2008

Racist Pitbull with Lipstick in a Dress?

"So Sambo beat the bytch!" This is supposedly how Sarah Palin described Barack Obama's win over Hilary Clinton to political colleagues in a restaurant a few days after Obama locked up the Democratic Party presidential nomination. Click here to read the short story from AOL Blackvoices. (I guess this means that freaky eldest daughter of her's is racist too, dayummit!)


Anonymous said...

I can't stand that cracker azz bytch.

BigBoyFloyd said...

I hate her....but I would hate her and that oldest daughter of her's ALL NIGHT LONG! And then roll out of bed and vote for Obama, lol.

BigBoyFloyd said...

*Disclaimer* If her daughter were 18, I aint servin time for no dumb shyt, I can wait the few months till she's legal!

5th and K said...

Why does this not surprise me....*smh*

Anonymous said...

Oldest daughter loves dark meat!