Thursday, September 11, 2008

DLR Salutes The Troops on 9/11

We hope Obama will bring you home from this unjust war asap.


The King said...

As a former Army Vet, I salute all the US Armed Forces that are participating in Iraq.

K-PAX said...

As a former dressed up GI JOE, I also salute all the US Armed Forces everywhere!

Anonymous said...

I attended two funerals due to 9/11; much respect to the men and women that are associated with any branch of the armed forces, and same goes to our folks on the homefront watching our backs on a daily hopefully preventing another incident from EVER happening again. RIP Edmond Young Sr. and Jason Christopher Ford.

Big D said...

Absolutely! We definitely appreciate what they do for us! BRING OUR BOYS N GIRLS HOME MAAAAAN!!!

LU said...

Shouldnt even be coming to this. SMH

Anonymous said...

who is that in the picture...oh yeah...shoutout to the troops too

BigBoyFloyd said...

Much respect to the troops. BRING THEM HOME!