Wednesday, September 10, 2008


From the Flava of Love to true love????? I guess.. LOL.. Deelishis has gotten engaged. At least she looks happy, although I was happy with the first pic. haha.. I guess it's time for change. I hope she is a Democrat. LOL

Flava Flav, must be crying out loud today. All of the women on the show are getting engaged but guess who is not "FLAV". Heck some are even pregnant now. Poor Flav, he did say he was back in love with his new baby momma... LOL... or was that just the cover up??? hahaha..


LU said...

From ho to housewife...the pictures say it all!!!

Big D said...

She can be my ho anytime!! LOL

BigBoyFloyd said...

How can you go from degrading yourself to try and get with Flava-Flav, to wholesome wife and mom so quickly!?

This is a doomed marriage...

Anonymous said...

Yeeeaahhh!!! Evidently she uses NAIR!!! A good thing... in most cases... NO HAIR, NO STINKYPINK!!
Any women readers..... take note!! WAX DAT MONKEY!!

LU said...

Right Planna, keep that thing smooth and neat please!