Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Player Hater Wednesdays

(DLR would like to introduce you to a new weekly segment called...Player Hater Wednesdays)...*Side note: DLR reserves the right to fire up a bama 7 days a week if duty calls*
This Weeks Topic...Who's Really Ballin?

If you are like me, your inbox has been swarmed with emails about inaugaral balls. JoJo and Ray Rays Carryout ball at Peters, the Triple Fat Goose Ball at Cavaliers in Landover Mall, the Two Bees in a Bucket Fukit Ball at the Skylark Lounge, etc, etc. What I want to know is who the hell is going to attend all these balls? I know everybodys aunt, uncle, cousin, niece and nephew will be in town but are they really going to spend $250 to get into the Return of the Ritz Nightclub ball on Jan. 17th? The damn inaugaration is on Jan. 20th. If your ball is not on Jan. 20th thne its not a ball....its a regular damn club night. And last time I checked it was a recession so yall need to chill on them damn prices or the only change we will be having in 2009 is loose change....and another thing, if you do plan on attending or throwing all of these balls make sure you volunteer or do something positive in 2009 my party people...*steps down from soapbox*

P.S. All I have in this world is my balls and my word-Scarface (he wasnt talking about inaugaral balls)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nukka, you wild!! BUT....... the RITZ??!! i PART-A-ED at that joint!!! I might pay 250 (as in I'm Gonna Git You Sucka)!!! That hole-in-da-wall was...(Kat Williams) "da shiiiii-ttt"!!!