Tuesday, January 6, 2009

EntrePoNukka Tip of the Week

Check out this article titled How To Make Your Passion Your Business by Ron Joyce. Here's an excerpt...

“I look at the great athletes of all time, like Michael Jordan, who went from basketball to baseball and it didn’t work,” he says. “Or Wayne Gretzky, who probably wouldn’t have been great at anything but hockey.” Joyce knew that his business was to him what hockey and basketball were to Wayne Gretzky and Michael Jordan. And, it was in having that passion for what he did that he was able to take Tim Hortons to the top.

With that said...get to HUSTLIN!!!. Jan. 20, 2009...NO MORE EXCUSES!!!

1 comment:

K-PAX said...

Being in the business.........I need to write a book on "things you need to know before starting your own business". I see so many lack luster attempts, so if you do decide to start your own business take your time to research and get as much assistance as possible from the SBA or local small business development offices. Most counties and states have their own.