Monday, February 2, 2009

MICHAEL & MARY!!! LMAO!!!!!!!!!

Michael Phelps has embarrassed himself again after a triumphant Olympics, this time getting his picture snapped as he inhaled from a marijuana pipe.. I just wondered if he passed it. LOL.. Now this isn't the first time ol' Michael has been in trouble involving drugs, in Baltimore folks don't look at Michael like the rest of the world because after the 2004 Athens Games, an underage Phelps was arrested for drunken driving, pleaded guilty and apologized to his fans, saying he wouldn’t make the same mistake again.. Yeah Right.. Heck even DMX said he gave it up and he just got 90 Days. Now this doesn't look like a picture of a dude who just started smoking so I wonder who took the drug test for Michael over the past 4 years. THINGS THE MAKE YOU SAY HMMMM!!!!!!

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