Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Fashion Police or just Racist Police?

Legislative lawmakers are coming under scrutiny as multiple jurisdictions are levying fines and even jail time to people who wear "baggy pants" (below the hips). Some say that this trend started in jail and now it needs to be addressed and penalized as it is mainstream in the hip-hop culture. So next time you forget your belt at home just remember to keep a look out for the FEDS (most of you shady dudes already are) because they will be looking for you. (I wonder if this will lead to racial profiling? SMH) The article is on cnn.com


BigBoyFloyd said...

While it is racial profiling, nothing wrong with wearing a belt.

I cant stand my young brothers who insist on wearing their pants around their dayum ankles.

BaddestMostTalented said...

Pull your pants up nukka!

ALL ANGLES said...

Youngins, I was there once but some smell good and a nice belt always puts the cherry on top of an outfit.